
Pakistani woman collecting water from a lake

The Prophet (PBUH) taught us that Sadaqah extinguishes sins just as water extinguishes fire. It is a remarkable gift from Allah that not only protects your successes but also showers blessings upon you during hardships. By giving Sadaqah, you can reap beautiful rewards.

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Charity: A Shield for success and blessings in hardship

"Do not delay giving charity, for it stands in the way of calamity." (Source - Al-Tirmidhi)

Here are some meaningful ways to give:

Orphan Sponsorship ($75 per month or $900 per year): Transform a child's life by sponsoring an orphan, offering them a brighter future.

Olive Tree ($55): Plant the roots of a bountiful reward by donating an olive tree.

Aqiqah ($260+): Welcome your baby boy or girl into the world and express gratitude to Allah through performing an aqiqah.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "A charity is due for every joint in each person on every day the sun comes up." (Source - Bukhari)

As Muslims, we cherish the opportunity to give for the sake of Allah's love and to support our Ummah. Allah (subhana wa ta'ala) has promised great practical rewards and protection for those who give.

The Blessing of charity during hardship

Families worldwide are facing financial challenges, and as Muslims, we understand that struggles are tests from Allah. By giving Sadaqah during tough times, we show gratitude to Allah and affirm our belief that only He, with His infinite mercy, can change our situation.

"Allah removes what He wishes, for He has the mother of books." (Quran 13:39)

Choose your charity with intention

There are no restrictions on the form of your charity. The key is to give with intention and pray for your charity to be accepted. Sadaqah Jariyah, or ongoing charity, provides benefits to both the recipients and the donors, yielding blessings year after year. It is one of the kindest and most rewarding ways to give.

Regardless of your budget, we offer various options for donation. Whether it's providing struggling parents with livelihood opportunities like beekeeping or tailoring, installing a well for an entire community, or supporting orphan sponsorship, your contribution makes a difference.

Protect your blessings with Sadaqah

"Allah has promised the power of Sadaqah to protect us from future hardships. 'Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.'" (Source - Tirmidhi)

Keep your good deeds thriving in this life and the hereafter through your charitable acts.

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Give to protect your blessings

Allah has also promised the power of Sadaqah to protect us from future hardships. “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.”

Source - Tirmidhi

Discover the healing power of Sadaqah

In His infinite compassion and generosity, Allah has bestowed upon us the gift of charity as a means of healing for those facing hardship.

When we give Sadaqah, it has the potential to heal illnesses, by the will of Allah.

Sadaqah: Safeguarding Your Health

"Administer Sadaqah to your sick ones. Sadaqah repels all illnesses and calamities." Source - Hadith Bayhaqi

Charity: A Path to Abundance

Giving Sadaqah not only helps alleviate financial hardships but also leads to increased wealth through the blessings of Allah.

"Those who spend in charity will be richly rewarded." Source - Quran 57:10

Seek Forgiveness from Allah

Sadaqah is a means of seeking forgiveness from Allah for our sins. The Messenger (PBUH) even affirmed that charity is a solution for any form of hardship.

"Charity extinguishes sins just as water extinguishes fire." Source - Ibn Majah

Sadaqah: Shielding from Future Hardships

Many choose to give Sadaqah to bless significant events like marriages, new homes, graduations, or exam results. Others are encouraged to give Sadaqah upon achieving promotions, new jobs, or financial success, as charity blesses and secures our wealth and accomplishments.

It is truly a remarkable blessing to have enough to give, and through this act, our blessings multiply.

"Blessed is the wealth of a Muslim from which he gives to the poor, orphans, and travellers." Source - Muslim

The Impact of Your Charity Last Year

With every act of Sadaqah, goodness and ease accompany us. Each contribution has the power to transform lives for the better, and in return, Allah (swt) bestows His mercy and blessings upon us.

“Treat your sick ones with Sadaqah. Sadaqah repels all illnesses and calamities.”
Source - Hadith Bayhaqi

Charity does not decrease wealth

Giving Sadaqah also gives us a way out of financial hardship, because when we give in charity, Allah increases our wealth.

No better charity than water

“Those who spend in charity will be richly rewarded”
Source - Quran 57:10

Forgiveness from Allah

Sadaqah is also a way of seeking Allah’s forgiveness for sins and The Messenger (PBUH) even promised that whatever your hardship, charity is a solution.

‘Charity extinguishes the sins like water extinguishes a fire'
Source - Ibn Majah

Sadaqah protects from future hardship

Many people like to give Sadaqah to bless a marriage, new home, graduation, or good exam results. Others are encouraged to give Sadaqah when they get a promotion, new job, or financial success, since charity blesses and secures our wealth and success.

It is truly a wonderful blessing to have enough to be able to give, and with this act, our blessings our multiplied.

“Blessed is the wealth of a Muslim from which he gives to the poor, to orphans and to wayfarer.”
Source - Muslim

With goodness and hardship comes ease. Each act of Sadaqah can transform lives for the better, and in return Allah swt will bestow his mercy and blessings onto us.

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