Orphan Sponsorship

Orphan Sponsorship

Orphan Sponsorship

“I and the one who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like these two” – and he gestured with his forefinger and middle finger, holding them close together. (Bukhari)

As we rise each morning, another 5,700 children will wake up newly-orphaned. With the rise of climate change and conflict, more and more children are being orphaned, knocking their futures off course and leaving them extremely vulnerable. No child should be left to feel this fear alone.

Right now, there are 6,432 orphans registered with Human Appeal and each one urgently needs a caring sponsor so that they can continue their education in safe housing without struggling for food or healthcare. Become a sponsor today, and reap the blessings of this Sunnah every single month.

A future suddenly shattered

There’s no exact figure of the number of orphans across the globe, but it’s estimated between 143 million and 210 million children are orphaned. Each one has experienced the shattering trauma of losing their father or both their parents, often in extreme circumstances such as during war or a disaster, ripping their futures away overnight.

A child who used to have caring parents, who provided them with food, a home, clothes, and toys is suddenly all alone. Often they have to leave school to earn money to survive, and they’re at extreme risk of sickness, malnutrition, and of being exploited or abused.

This is why we urgently need sponsors for the thousands of children registered with us, to get them in a safe and secure routine, and back in school as soon as possible.

You can help us to break the cycle before it’s too late, giving them a chance to be healthy, protected, and educated. Importantly, sponsorship also ensures they get to stay in school, so that they don’t have to work to support themselves and their families.

A prophetic Sunnah

In his lifetime, the Messenger – himself an orphan - cared for orphans, and promised closeness to him in Jannah for those who did the same. It’s a recognition of how beautiful an act it is to care for the most vulnerable in our ummah – a child who has lost the people who care for him.

Caring for an orphan isn’t just the legacy of the Messenger (PBUH); sponsorship helps the mother or caregiver of the child with the cost of:





and school supplies.

Experience, safety, compassion

Entrust your sponsorship to our 30 years of experience in caring for orphaned children. We have a dedicated child safeguarding officer in every country where we sponsor orphans, and all staff working with children are trained in child protection. We even train mothers and caregivers on child protection, helping them to safeguard them from common risks.

You can also give your sponsorship in a one-off annual payment of $900 if you prefer - that’s just $2.50 per day, or $17.30 per week. And it’s Zakat-applicable too!

We’re incredibly grateful to all those who are already helping us to change the future, one child at a time. It’s a legacy that will bring blessings every single month.

Currently our sponsors are helping over 22,000 orphans across nine countries, but we have thousands more who are registered with us and urgently need a sponsor to help them have enough food, clothes, and to cover the cost of any sickness expenses.

Become a sponsor and help get a child back into school, giving them a safer today and a brighter tomorrow.

Accountability and transparency

As a sponsor, you’ll receive updates on the progress of the child you sponsor every six months, as well as an end-of-year report, allowing you to see exactly how your sponsorship is changing a life. You’ll see how they’re doing in school, their favourite subjects, their hopes for the future as well as a drawing from the child.

We’re committed to sharing the massive, life-changing impact that your generosity has for a child who has experienced unimaginable hardship.

Protecting children of the ummah

When you sponsor an orphan, you’ll give a child the opportunity that all children deserve – a chance to be healthy, protected, and educated.

We also provide training to their mothers or caregivers about protection, helping to safeguard them from common risks and dangers.

Orphan sponsorship is all on your terms – you can choose to sponsor a certain child, or sponsor someone based on their age, or location. Or, you can leave it to our Orphan and Child Welfare team to select the child in most urgent need of sponsorship. It takes just a few minutes to register, and to begin to change a child’s life.

Give mercy today.

Human Appeal is committed to providing aid in the country or program that you select. In the event we complete the program, exceed the required funds, or are denied access to a particular country for reasons beyond our control, Human Appeal reserves the right to reallocate your donation to another program where it is needed most.



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