Empower lives through Zakat.

Answer the call to fulfil your beautiful duty of Zakat and experience the boundless mercy of Allah by alleviating the suffering of the world's most vulnerable families.

Transforming families with just 2.5% of your wealth

“Establish prayer and give zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves—you will find it with Allah. Surely Allah sees what you do.” (2:110)

$70 can provide life-saving healthcare in Gaza.

$40 can provide nutritious food for an orphan in Sudan for a month.

$70 can deliver vital healthcare to two mothers or babies at Al Imaan Hospital in Idlib, Syria.

$120 can contribute to building a sturdy, long-lasting home with a living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom for a family of 5 affected by the earthquake in Turkey.

Your Zakat is entrusted to us, and we hold ourselves accountable to you, to those who benefit from your Zakat, and most importantly, to the Most Merciful, Allah.

Zakat serves as a reminder that our wealth is bestowed upon us by Allah, and by purifying it for His sake, we fulfil our responsibilities as privileged individuals. With our 30+ years of experience, you can confidently entrust your Zakat to us.

Zakat ensures that a portion of our surplus wealth is shared with those who are struggling to survive. It is a beautiful pillar of our faith, spreading mercy not only to those who receive but also to those who give.

A Legacy of Mercy since 1991

For over three decades, we have been channels for your mercy, making us one of the longest-serving and award-winning Muslim charities in the UK. Operating in 25 countries across the globe, Human Appeal has transformed the lives of over 3.8 million people in 2022 alone, thanks to your generous Zakat donations. Our reach includes Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Palestine, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, and Bangladesh.

As we embark on our 32nd year, we are dedicated to implementing long-lasting, impactful projects that leverage your Zakat to provide communities with access to clean water, job opportunities, healthcare, and education for years to come. This commitment ensures that your impact and blessings endure.

With your generous Zakat donations, we ensure meticulous oversight and monitoring of our projects. This guarantees that donations not only reach their intended recipients but are also supervised by engineers, architects, and other specialists to ensure safety and sustainability.

Your Zakat: A mercy to the afflicted

Your Zakat is truly a mercy for those facing the horrors of war, displacement, and climate crises. We strive to ensure that it reaches them safely and effectively. Our Zakat projects are designed to have a lasting impact, bringing positive change year after year. We thank you for entrusting us with your Zakat. It is through your donations that our life-changing projects become a reality. Together, let us continue to share the mercy of Zakat, now and in the future.

Explore our Zakat-applicable projects below.

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A beautiful message from Omar Suleiman just for our trusted supporters

How 2.5% of your wealth can change the lives of entire families

Zakat: your questions answered

  • What is Zakat?

    Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is a charitable duty that purifies wealth and is incumbent upon adult Muslims.

  • Who is eligible to receive Zakat?

    There are eight categories of people who are eligible to receive Zakat.

    1. The poor
    2. The needy
    3. Administrators of Zakat
    4. Those whose hearts have been recently reconciled
    5. Those who have been enslaved
    6. Those in debt
    7. In the cause of God
    8. Travellers (including refugees)

    A poor person is someone whose property, in excess of his basic requirements, does not reach the nisab threshold. The recipient must not belong to your immediate family, therefore; your spouse, children, parents and grandparents cannot receive your zakat. Other relatives, however, can receive your zakat.

  • Why give your Zakat to Human Appeal?

    Donate your Zakat through Human Appeal safe in the knowledge that your donation will go directly to where it is most needed, making you mercy go further. We’ve been trusted to deliver your Zakat for over 30 years. All of our current projects are Zakat-applicable, as well as sustainable and impactful, continuing to benefit people for years to come.

  • How much money do I have to possess to qualify?

    You should pay Zakat if your wealth is equal to or above the Nisab (threshold), which varies each year and is based on the price of silver. As of March 2023, the Nisab is approximately $404.32 so any money or assets you have above this amount hold a duty of Zakat. Our Zakat calculator automatically updates the Nisab based on the daily value of silver.

  • What possessions do I pay Zakat on?

    Any gold, silver, jewellery, stocks and shares, cryptocurrency, savings, money you have loaned to others, property, pensions, and business stock should be included in your Nisab calculation.

  • How much Zakat do I pay?

    In concrete terms, you pay approximately 2.5 percent of your wealth to Zakat, but we’ve made this even easier for you! With our Zakat calculator to help you work out what you owe with an up-to-date Nisab value.

  • When should Zakat be paid?

    Once you have more Zakat-eligible wealth than the Nisab and a full lunar year has passed, then Zakat is due immediately, and is then due annually if your wealth stays above the Nisab.

  • How much of my savings should I apply Zakat to?

    Zakat applies to any savings that you have held for a full year. Usually this means that you input the minimum that you have had in your account since you last calculated your Zakat one year ago. Include all your bank accounts, cryptocurrency, PayPal balance, and any money at home or in hand. Any interest you have received at the bank is haram and must not be included.

  • What does one do about missed Zakat payments?

    If one has missed Zakat payments over the years, then one must make a calculated estimate of the Zakat missed for each year and discharge it accordingly. These payments are still binding on him even if many years have passed by and whether or not he knew they were obligatory.

  • Do you have a Zakat policy?

    We have a Zakat policy which has been reviewed by scholars and is available on our website.

Scholar verified Zakat Policy

Human Appeal’s scholar verified Zakat Policy ensures we make the most of your mercy using your Zakat donations in the most effective way possible to relieve the suffering of our Ummah all year long.

*“Establish prayer and give zakat, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves—you will find it with Allah. Surely Allah sees what you do.”*

Source - The Holy Qur’an, 2:110

Making the most of your mercy

Our Zakat Policy is verified by scholars

All Muslims eligible to pay Zakat must donate at least 2.5% of their wealth annually.

Last year your Zakat supported over 3.8 million people in 21 countries

A Scholar-verified Zakat Policy for maximum impact

At Human Appeal, our Zakat policy is verified by scholars to ensure that we maximize the impact of your mercy. We meticulously utilize your Zakat donations in the most effective and efficient manner to alleviate the suffering of our Ummah throughout the year.

Join us in giving your Zakat and purifying your wealth today.

Give your Zakat and purify your wealth today.

Donate now

Please note that when you donate to our Zakat Fund, your donations don’t need to cover the full value of any project and so will be used wherever they’re most needed. If you’d like to support a particular project with your Zakat, please donate directly to that project through its dedicated donation page.



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