
Your 30 Nights: Spread your rewards across Ramadan.

Every day of Ramadan is an opportunity for blessings, mercy and forgiveness. With Your 30 Nights, make every single day count.

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Your 30 Nights!

"Oh people! A great month has come over you; a blessed month; a month in which is a night better than a thousand months… Whoever draws nearer (to Allah) by performing any of the (optional) good deeds in (this month) shall receive the same reward as performing an obligatory deed at any other time.” (Ibn Khuzaymah)

We’re all adjusting to Ramadan under unprecedented restrictions. But Human Appeal is here to make sure you can still enjoy and benefit from the multiplied blessings Allah has promised in Ramadan. We’re making sure that this remains constant, no matter how much the rest of Ramadan changes.

Because every single day of Ramadan is an opportunity to increase your reward, and to work for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.

With our exciting new platform – Your 30 Nights – you can benefit from the multiplied blessings of Ramadan, without ever leaving your home.

Because every single day of Ramadan is an opportunity to increase your reward, and to work for Allah’s forgiveness and mercy.

With our exciting new platform – Your 30 Nights – you can benefit from the multiplied blessings of Ramadan, without ever leaving your home.

What is Your 30 Nights?

Human Appeal is launching Your 30 Nights so that you can automate your giving throughout the month of Ramadan, and never miss out on the blessings of the holy month again.

It’s customizable: select how much you want to donate each day, which project(s) you want to support, and whether you want to give across the entire month of Ramadan, or over the blessed last 10 nights.

Do remember, the amount you select is how much you give on each day. For example, if you choose to give £1 per day, you’ll donate a total of £30 to the project of your choice, which will be deducted in installments of £1 every night.

It’s as easy as that. In just a few clicks, you’ll be all set to transform lives every single day of the holy month, and reap Allah’s blessings each day too.

They’re your 30 Nights. Make each one count.

How does Your 30 Nights work?



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