Somalia Back to School Kit

Somalia Back to School Kit

Somalia Back to School Kit

Empower a child for education in Somalia today so they can learn and thrive.

Send a crisis-affected child in Somalia back to school with the essentials they need for just $53.

More than 3 million children are being denied their right to an education in Somalia. In many cases, parents and caregivers cannot afford to fund their children’s learning. Other reasons include long distances to school and safety concerns due to the ongoing conflict, as well as a lack of teachers, and poor access to sanitation facilities.

Those children who are in school, the majority being boys, receive a poor-quality of education due to lack of teachers and learning resources. They must endure overcrowded classrooms, poor sanitation facilities and a lack of opportunities, leading to exploitative child labor, early forced marriage, and the risk of being recruited into fighting groups.

This September through to October, help us to provide 250 orphaned children in the Banadir region of Mogadishu with Back to School Kits to help lift-up their learning and encourage them to stay in school. Each kit contains a school bag, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, and other essentials items.

The difference a Back to School Kit can make

Providing just one Back to School Kit takes a tremendous burden off parents and caregivers in Somalia who are unable to afford important school supplies that can help a child to stay in school and thrive.

Prophet Mohammed (SAW) said: “Seeking knowledge is a duty on every Muslim.”

Education can change lives and futures. So please help to empower a child for education in Somalia today with this beautiful Sadaqah Jariyah.

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