Deep Water Well - Bangladesh

Deep Water Well - Bangladesh

Deep Water Well - Bangladesh

Build a deep water well in Bangladesh

“The best charity is giving water to drink and He was the most generous in giving charity.” (Ahmad)

$1,950 - Install a deep water well in Bangladesh.

In drought-hit areas of Bangladesh, women and children spend hours fetching water. Help us to transform and protect an entire village by installing a deep water well to provide clean water and blessings for years to come.

A fountain of blessing and clean water

When you provide a deep-water well, you’ll provide clean water to around 105 people affected by drought, ensuring they no longer go thirsty and can grow and water crops to feed their families.

A water well doesn’t just provide the best of charities, it’s a Sadaqah Jariyah that continues to give, and continues to bless the giver for as long as it’s in use.

Be a mercy to an entire community and reap the rewards of this blessed Sadaqah Jariyah, year after year. Give mercy now.

Running out of water and time

Water is about much more than quenching thirst; it is what creates jobs and helps communities to lift themselves out of poverty. When families struggle for water, not only do they lack a safe way to drink, but they also can’t grow food, feed their livestock, stay clean, or have produce to sell. Without your support, residents will always be stuck trying to overcome the water shortages.

In Bangladesh, 60% of people have to endure unsafe drinking water, and the contamination of groundwater is widespread.

Every single one of our wells is overseen by water experts and our own water engineer who ensure that the well produces clean water, which we test to ensure it stays safe for people to drink.

With your help, we’ll be installing wells in areas of Bangladesh that have been worst hit, where current water sources are unsafe, contaminated, or very far away.

Transform a community for generations to come

When you give $1,950, you’ll be directly responsible for transforming life for 105 people for many years to come. You’ll reap the ongoing blessings of this Sadaqah Jariyah, and every time a resident is able to drink clean water, grow a plant, feed an animal, or work instead of spending their day fetching water, that will be your blessed legacy.

When you donate a well, we’ll install a plaque in your name on the well, and send you a report detailing when and where your well was installed.

You can even donate the well in the name of a loved one, and they’ll reap the endless rewards of this charity – even after they are gone.

Changing lives

Human Appeal has been working in Bangladesh for over 30 years. In 2022, we installed a total of 643 wells, and helped 1.1 million people through water and clean sanitation projects. This year, we’re working to support thousands of people through clean water projects including renovating latrines for Rohingya refugees, a second water desalination plant in Gaza, restoring water wells in Yemen, clean water trucking in Somalia, and installing sustainable safe water wells in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Be a mercy to an entire community and reap the rewards of this blessed Sadaqah Jariyah, year after year.

Human Appeal is committed to providing aid in the country or program that you select. In the event we complete the program, exceed the required funds, or are denied access to a particular country for reasons beyond our control, Human Appeal reserves the right to reallocate your donation to another program where it is needed most.



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