
Find out more about our education and development work in Pakistan.


Human Appeal has been working in Pakistan since 2006. Right now, we’re supporting education, livelihoods, and clean water projects.

We’re supporting education by constructing a girl’s primary school and schoolrooms at a girls’ orphanage.

We also run a number of special request projects in Pakistan, that can be funded at any point in the year. These are designed to empower families with new skills and livelihoods, and to transform communities with sustainable water sources.

We’re working to support people in Pakistan, through the following projects:

Girl’s primary school Constructing a girls’ school and equipping it with solar-powered electricity and water, as well transport for teachers.

Education for orphaned girls Constructing four rooms and six washrooms, and installing electrics and security cameras to help the 40 girls at Ghonsla orphanage to be protected and educated.

COVID-19 protection kits Hygiene kits for 220 families to protect them from the spread of COVID-19.

Human Appeal’s Special Request projects give our supporters the ongoing opportunity to support vulnerable people through one-off charitable gifts. These projects provide practical solutions that fight the causes of poverty, ensuring that the people we support and their family can sustain this intervention in the long term.

Deep water wells A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it. It provides clean water to a whole community struggling with drought, transforming their future.

Honey bee farm Providing farmers with training, support, and bee hives to open a honey business. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

Chicken farm A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it. It provides a vulnerable person with 40 chickens, helping them to sell eggs and sustain a livelihood.

Kitchen gardens Delivering tools and training to a family struggling for food, helping them to sustainably grow their own food. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

A pair of milking goats Providing a vulnerable breadwinner – with a focus on women – with a pair of goats, helping them to sell milk for a profit. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

Girls’ school washrooms Supporting equality in education by providing washrooms for girls in schools, which encourages parents to enrol their daughters to school. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

Sewing machines Providing vulnerable women with training in business and tailoring and a sewing machine so that they can earn a living as tailors. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

Small businesses Empowering people to lift themselves out of poverty with business ideas. We provide in-kind donations – the starter stock or tools for the business – to help them become self-sufficient. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

Tunnel farming Providing a vulnerable family living at a high altitude with horticultural tunnels to help them grow fruit and vegetables all year round. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

Watercoolers in schools Providing clean filtered water at public schools to support good health and encourage school enrolment. A special request project that is carried out as and when our supporters fund it.

