Al Imaan Hospital Fund

Al Imaan Hospital Fund

Al Imaan Hospital Fund

Save Al Imaan Hospital

“Whoever saves the life of one, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind” (Quran 5:32)

Your charity saves lives. When you give to Al Imaan Hospital, you provide free, lifesaving medical treatment to mothers and babies living in camps in northern Syria.

$70 – Give a mother and baby life-saving medical care at Al Imaan Hospital.

$140 - Save 6 mothers or babies.

$30 – Provide two Syrians with medical treatment at one of our two primary healthcare centers.

Every month, Al Imaan Hospital treats 6,000 vulnerable Syrians for free, but we urgently depend on donations to keep the hospital open and providing vital healthcare.

Before the devastating earthquakes in February, healthcare settings in northern Syria were already struggling to support the 14.6 million people urgently needing medical care. Half of Syria’s health facilities were destroyed or damaged in the conflict; the earthquakes, combined with the cost of essential items rising by more than 70% have pushed Syria’s healthcare system to the brink.

Our hospital and its associated health centers and mobile clinics specialize in providing care for mothers and babies, as well as providing local treatment for injuries and diseases, and treating sick children.

Al Imaan Hospital is a critical lifeline. Without it, thousands will go without healthcare every month.

Help us to keep Al Imaan Hospital open. Give mercy now.

Help us to save lives every month

Every month, Al Imaan provides:

6,000 people with treatment

2,000 people with support through its associated mobile clinic and primary healthcare centers.

• ambulances to transport those who need to be admitted but can’t afford to get to the hospital.

We’ve supported around 270,000 people at the hospital and clinics in the last 5 years.

Families in northern Syria have been enduring conflict and displacement for an unbearable 12 years, forced to deal with the trauma of displacement, extreme poverty, and hunger, while still without a permanent home. It’s our duty to support the most vulnerable in the Ummah who have been abandoned and denied their basic human right to healthcare.

Be a mercy to the Ummah.

Treating hunger and its causes

Hospitals continue to struggle across Syria, with only half of all health facilities fully functioning, but often unaffordable as Syrians are forced to spend simply to feed their families.

Right now, we’re working to empower Syrians by providing:

• healthcare through Al Imaan Hospital and two primary healthcare centers,

• dialysis sessions to people with kidney failure,

• safe, long-term homes to displaced families,

• Olive trees for families to farm for profit.

All of our projects in Syria are Zakat-applicable, and you can calculate what you owe with our easy-to-use Zakat calculator.

Give mercy now.

Human Appeal is committed to providing aid in the country or program that you select. In the event we complete the program, exceed the required funds, or are denied access to a particular country for reasons beyond our control, Human Appeal reserves the right to reallocate your donation to another program where it is needed most.



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